Saturday, July 18, 2009

A little off topic.

I finally got a chance to listen to the new Set Your Goals record. All I can say is that if you don't like to be rocked until your head explodes and you cry with joy, you better not get this album. Its awesome. Chads guest vocals on the track Our Ethos: A Legacy to Pass On are really good. His girlfried also has a guest stop on the album and does a kickass job. Go out and buy this album, borrow it, or download it. It just needs to be heard.

Also. I just went and saw Harry Potter and the Half Ass Movie last night. I love the books, and I also agree with Captain SxE that Harry Potter is HxC. Thw movie was the worst one so far. thats all I am sayin.

Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm Back!!

That's right boys and girls. I am back. New town, New apartment, New ISP, New post.

I don't really have much to say. I am seeding the torrents again. Hooray!

I read on Chads twitter a few day ago that a fall tour announcement was close.

I probly won't go. I have the worlds most unflexable job. Which totally contradicts the its name. I am not gonna say the name, but trust me. I hate it.

P.S. My new guilty pleasure is True Blood. don't hate me

Thursday, July 9, 2009

are we pretty enough to audition?

The following comes from the twitter of one Mr. xchadballx:

XChadballXFemales because it's Dont Let HER pull you down. Just wait! It's gonna be outta control!
(posted 6:45 pm Wednesday July 8th)

XChadballXContest for the female roles to come once we get the dates. NFGirls
(posted @ 6:48 pm Wednesday July 8th)